Saturday, December 11, 2010


These last two years have been pretty rough for your boy but finally, brighter days are ahead. Through all the ups and mostly downs that I have recently experienced, two philosophies help me survive:

1.REMAIN POSITIVE – No matter the trials and tribulations that you experience. No matter how often bad luck seems to find you. No matter how rough things get and how bleak the future seems. REMAIN POSITIVE. See, being negative accomplishes nothing. To spend your time dwelling on something that has already happened and/or a situation that you can’t change is pointless. It is wasted energy. Ask yourself, “what has being negative done for me? What has it help me accomplish?” Instead, spend your time coming up with ways to make the best out of what you have. Acknowledge the reality of your situation and try your best to take lemons and make lemonade. By always remaining positive, you will find that you are consistently in better moods and are much happier as a person despite your situation. Most importantly, thinking positive usually manifests itself into thinking about solutions and how you can take advantage of what's in front you.

2.BE ACCOUNTABLE – Always and I mean always take FULL RESPONSIBLITY for your situation. It doesn’t matter who else is to blame. If you think hard enough and long enough, you will always find that you could have done something differently to avoid your current predicament. As a matter of fact, don’t even worry about who else is at fault. Why? Because it doesn’t matter. It’s your situation, not theirs. Blaming someone else just allows you to feel sorry for yourself. It allows you to turn yourself into a victim. Then you start to think that there was nothing you could have done differently. And this way of thinking has zero benefit to you. The problem with that kind of thinking is that you have unconsciously given up control of your life. No one should have the power to decide how YOUR life is going to play out but you. Your response to a situation is FAR MORE IMPORTANT than the situation itself. No one can make you do anything. No one determines how you feel but you. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE, YOUR ACTIONS, AND YOUR EMOTIONS. Be the soul controller of your life and you’ll find that you will experience more positives than negatives.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


They could rule the world if the wanted too. They have all the power and don’t even know it. Who is “they” you ask??? WOMEN!!!

That’s right, women. They have want every man wants and whatever they say we have to do to get it, WE WILL DO. We base the way we dress off what women like. We purchase nice cars to impress them. Even what we say on Facebook is designed to make our selves look better to the women on our page. They dictate our moves without saying a single word. Shit, we do things to impress women we haven’t even met yet. We’re doing things hoping to get noticed. Think about that for a second. WOMEN WE HAVE NEVER EVEN MET HAVE SIGNIFICANT INFLUENCE OVER MANY OF OUR EVERYDAY ACTIONS. WOW!!!! How do they do this you ask?? Simple, they have a monopoly on the pussy. That’s right, pussy!!! Every man wants pussy, every woman has one, and every man wants pussy from damn near every woman!!! Lol

If every single woman in the world today decided that men would no longer receive sex from them without marrying them first, EVERY HETEROSEXUAL MAN IN THE WORLD WOULD BE MARRIED THE DAY OF HIS 18TH BIRTHDAY!!!

But this will never happen because the one’s with ALL THE POWER HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA HOW TO USE IT AND I AIN’T DUMB ENOUGH TO TELL YOU EITHER!!! LMAO!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Vote Whether You Like It or Not

I’ll be honest; I don’t want to vote.  Politicians are full of shit and rarely do any good for anyone but themselves, their friends and family.  Republicans and Democrats act as if they can’t stand each and don’t agree on anything but behind closed doors they are the best of friends.  They have dinner together, drink together, and most importantly, THEY MAKE MONEY TOGETHER. 

See the whole 2 party system is a joke.  There is really only one party, and that party is called MONEY.  Money rules the world, corporations run the government, and they tell politicians how to vote.  They create the topics and determine the outcomes.  The whole system is corrupt from top to bottom and they are all puppets including the president.
With that being said, I’m still going to vote.  I’m going to vote because it makes no sense to complain if you have not tried to make a difference.  And more importantly, too many of my ancestors were beaten and killed for the right to vote and to be heard and I will not let their sacrifices be in vain.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Different but equal

2 + 2 = 4
3 + 1 = 4

These two equations represent men and women; equal but different.  We aren’t built the same, we don’t look the same, think the same, feel the same, nor act the same.  Therefore we should not have to follow the same set of rules and standards.  And the sooner both sexes realize this and respect each others difference, the better off we will all be. 

I say this because I’m sick and tired of people complaining about double standards, mostly women.  While I agree that some are unfair, for the most part, the majority of them make a lot of sense.  Men can do and get away with some things that women can’t and vice versa and that’s how things are, always will be, and should be. 

So stop all the crying about what is and isn’t fair cause life ain’t fair.  And most importantly, until you stop taking advantage of all the double standards that go in your favor, SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010


What happened to the truth?  When did we get so scared of the truth?  It seems like everyday, every hour, we get more and more comfortable with the lies we are being told and sold every day.  To make things worse, we have become more comfortable telling the lies ourselves.  Our government, our elected leaders, pastors, priest, etc., lie to us every day and we readily accept it.

Our government lies all the time.  Today is Columbus Day and we are still celebrating this man and his so-called accomplishments like he actually did something great.  I mean, how do you discover a land WITH PEOPLE ARE READY LIVING AND TRIVING THERE?  Sounds more like an uninvited guess to me.  And we even print this BS in our history books for our children to regurgitate.  In Texas, they want to dismiss slavery in the history books and call it the Triangle Trade.  REALLY???  Pardon my French but GET THE PHUCK OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!  Slavery and the racism that followed it has single handily affected blacks in a manner so negatively that we have yet to recover from it and never will all the while raising whites in American to a position of dominance that will never be relinquished. Yet, they want to gloss over it in history and change name.  Yeah, OK!!!  Plus, we have never been told the REAL truth about 911, Katrina, the economy, Iraq, Saddam, etc.  And in this country, in the age of technology, where the truth is just a click away, we NEVER demand to hear what really happened even though the story we have been given makes very little sense to even the simplest of beings.  Our willful ignorance is disgusting and sad to say the least.

We lie to each other.  We tell fat people its okay to be fat because we don’t want to hurt their feelings.  REALLY???  Never mind the damage they are doing to their health by caring all this extra weight.  And women are the worst with these fat celebrities on TV acting like it’s beautiful to be big just to see them lose all the weight with surgery a few months later.  In Chicago, we have kids killing kids every day.  Gang banging, selling drugs, robbing, and just being an overall criminal.  Yet, when one of these children gets killed, the mother is on TV talking about “her son was a good kid who never hurt nobody.”  The news is saying he was a good student and a star athlete.  REALLY??? 9 times out 10 he was a thug and his mother/father knew it or didn’t care enough to want to know and do something about it.  And he may have been on the basketball team but was far from a star probably rarely attended school anyway.  More times than not in was deep in the streets and got swallowed up by them.  Just because it’s sad doesn’t mean we should lie about it to make others feel better about their self and their short comings.


They say what you don’t know won’t hurt you.  ANOTHER LIE AND IT’S THE WORST OF THEM ALL!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010


There is nothing I hate more than a person failing to be accountable for their actions and/or decisions.  I say this because I am tired of women dogging out their child's father.  All day on Facebook, I read constant posts about how their child's father ain't shit, don't this and don't do that, and so on and so forth.  But do you know what I never see posted???  "I CHOOSE this ain't shit dad!”  Not one time have I seen a women take accountability for her decisions.  NOT ONCE!!!

Now with that being said, let's be honest.  WOMEN, you have to take some blame for you being a single parent because YOU CHOOSE this individual.  YOU made a bad decision in choosing a father for your child. YOU choose to be with this man.  YOU let this man have sex with you without a condom.  YOU created the opportunity for him to become the father of your children.  And now that he is no longer in the picture, you don't want any of the blame???  Really???  Women make all the decisions when it comes to choosing a mate and sex.  Men are the hunters and we chase the cat.  YOU decide if we get to be with you.  YOU decide if we get to have sex.  And since YOU are the only one that will get pregnant, you should SOLELY responsible for deciding when that happens. So if YOU choose a man who isn't worth of being a father, you HAVE to take SOME of the blame for your situation.

Now some women will have you believe that there was no way of knowing that this man would not take care of his child.  I say BULLSHIT!  Either:
1. You didn't get to know him well enough before having sex.
2. You ignored the signs.
3. You thought that you could change him.
4. You were too young, too immature, and too inexperienced to be having sex and to deal with the possible consequences that came along with it. 

Now I am aware that sometime people abruptly changed their colors when the situation changes but I REFUSE to believe that this is the case the majority of the time.  The majority of the time, this man who you say "ain't shit", wasn't shit when you met him, wasn't shit while you were with him and the fact that he ain't shit now should be no surprise to you.  So instead of blaming him for being who he always was and still is, BLAME YOURSELF FOR DEALING WITH THIS AIN'T SHIT MAN!!!  Why??? Because YOU CHOOSE to deal with him, that's why!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Advice for the fellas in relationships


I've been romantically dealing with women for nearly 20 years and at times I thought I knew it all, especially when I was young.  Go ahead and laugh cause I am too.  But as I have grown older, I have come to realize that we as men will NEVER understand women, and I do mean NEVER.  With that in mind, I have a great piece of advice for all the fellas out there.  Are you sitting down???  Because coming from me, this may shock you.

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!

That right fellas, S H U T U P.  See, often times, women's arguments are either based on emotion or presented with emotion.  There are two problems with this:
1.  Men tend to be much more logical than emotional so it's hard for us to agree with emotion based arguments.
2. Emotion is the UNDISPUTED, UNDEFEATED CHAMPION OF ARGUMENTS.   Emotions are never wrong because you can't tell a person how they are feeling is the wrong way to feel.  That just makes them more upset.  

People feel how they feel and that's just it.  Logic and emotion are like oil and water; they just don't mix.  The best way to fight emotion is with silence.  So while your girl is japping on you, just don't say anything.  I mean, for what???  You can't win anyway.  Just let her say what she has to say.  Only respond if asked and try to keep your comments as neutral as possible.  WHY??? Because all we want any way is silence and to be left alone and the more you argue with her, the more talk, the more frustrated you will become.  So just SHUT UP!  When she is done, she walk off anyway and you both win.  She got to snap on you and you got to be left alone.  Now that's what I call a WIN/WIN SITUATION. 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What's the Problem???

Why do women have such a big issue with their men watching sports???  Ya'll watch your reality TV shows, soap operas, cooking shows, silly sitcoms, etc., and we could care less.  But if we want to watch the game, even if you don't have nothing to say, you make a face like someone is trying to pluck your eyebrows with chop sticks!!!  Is is really that painful to let me watch the game???  Does it really bother you that much???  What is the big deal???

Can my ladies PLEASE explain this to me???

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Please, Don't Do It!!!

I just heard that LeBron James got engaged to his long time girlfriend and mother of his children.  Now while most would people, especially women, will applaud this decision and say “it’s about time”, I say NOOOOO!!!DON’T DO IT!!!  LOL

            I mean for what?  Why would any rich, famous, powerful man get married?  I mean come on dude; you know that you’re going to cheat.  You have beautiful women throwing themselves at you every day.  What type of man can resist that type of temptation?  Now for women, this may be no big deal because they are used to being hounded by men.  But for men, this is not a regular occurrence.  We are the hunters; we pursue the women and make all the effort to get them for the most part.  But for a rich man, a man with fame and/or power, he lives in different world.  He is now the equivalent of a beautiful woman.  

First of all, he rarely hears the word “no”.  Women he has only dreamed about are now not only within his reach, but they are after him.   And while I don’t condone cheating on any level for any reason, I do understand how and why it happens.  And the likelihood of men in his position cheating is about 95%.  Why would you risk millions of dollars on your ability to stay faithful when there is a significant chance that you will cheat?

            Secondly, it is a horrible business decision.  Whether you like it or not, when you sign that marriage certificate, you have signed a legal binding agreement.  Why would you enter into a partnership where you are the only one bringing something to the table, that has a 50% rate of failure, that won’t make you any money, and will cost only YOU money if things don’t work out?  Now that’s just plain stupid!
            Third, how do your really know this woman loves you?  Now, I’m strictly addressing a situation where these men have met these women after they are already rich.  Think about it for a second.  I believe that love is proven when someone does for you when they have nothing to gain.  When you are rich, when are you ever in this position?

  1. You have given her everything.  She is rich and has upped her status tremendously.  She has a beautiful home(s), VIP everything, the finest in clothes cars, dream vacations, etc.
  2. No matter what ya’ll go through, at the end of your worst day, SHE IS STILL RICH.  Her motivation to be there for you is the money.  And while you can’t prove that money is her motivation, HOW DO YOU KNOW IT ISN’T?
  3. If things don’t work out, you have to give up a lot of what you worked hard to obtain but receive NOTHING IN RETURN.  She, on the other hand, gives up nothing (except for some of the things YOU provided for her) and gets money and assets that she did absolutely nothing to earn and even maintains her status most times.  Even with a pre-nup, she comes out on top.

Now don’t take this post as me being anti-marriage.  I believe in marriage and I’m looking forward to one day being married myself.  I just don’t think it makes any sense for a RICH, POWERFUL, AND/OR FAMOUS MAN TO GET MARRIED—OR WOMAN EITHER FOR THAT MATTER.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What Happened???

What has happened to my people?  What happened to shame?  We talk loud in public with the worst English imaginable and think that it is funny.  Little children ask perfect strangers for money like it is no big deal.  Men wear their pants below their ass and women have their asses hanging out like drug dealers on the corner.  What happened to respect?  What happened to respecting your elders, teachers, and PARENTS?  How dare you talk back to the ones that raised you, feed you, and put clothes on your back?  How dare you continue to sit down while allowing someone twice your age to remain standing?  This same someone who fought the battles and wars that allow us to ride the bus today.  How could you disrespect the people that have dedicated their life to teaching you what you needed to be successful in life?  What happened to “it takes a village….”? 

Your child is outside acting like a fool and when I reprimand them, you have a problem with ME?  This is the same parent who won’t go to parent/teacher conferences, won’t attend report card pick up day, and won’t return the teachers phone calls, but if they take your child’s cell phone away, you will call off work to show up and get the phone back the next day.  What happened to black pride?  Instead you are proud of being a nigga.  You are proud of being hood.  In reality, you are proud of being ignorant. 

What happened to “working twice as hard to get half as far”?  Though it wasn’t fair, this mind set is what my parents and their parents used to push them to succeed thru all odds and over all obstacles.  That has been replaced with “work half as hard and expect twice as much” and “getting something for nothing” and you wonder why we don’t have anything. What happened to accountability?  You come to work late, do a half-ass job and when you get written up, the first thing you say to your friends and co-workers is “they on bullshit”. 

What happened to saving?  What happened to investing?  You work hard everyday just to buy the latest overpriced name brand clothes; cars you can’t afford with rims you don’t need all the while still living in an impoverished neighborhood.  What happened to families?  What happened to fathers and mothers?  Men take more pride in how many women they slept with than in raising their kids.  Women spend more time on their hair and make-up than they do on helping their children with their homework.  What happened to accomplishments?  We throw bigger parties for brothers coming home form jail than we do for college graduates.  It is great to be proud of your hood, but when you are proud to still be in the same place you started from, there is a problem.  You should want to elevate and progress.  You can not win a race if you never leave the starting blocks. 

What happened to crime not being cool?  Why do drug dealers get more respect than doctors, lawyers, and educators?  What happened to wanting to be more than an athlete or a rapper?  While I’m on the subject, what happened to Hip Hop?  Hip Hop burst on to the scene and exploded because people just like you and I were poetically telling their stories over innovative beats.  We fell in love with Hip Hop because it was based on true stories and experiences. It was as if for the first time, someone understood what our life was like.  It was rhyme vs. rhyme, using wordplay, metaphors, and incredible skill. Now it is just a bunch of fake thugs talking about their clothes, money, sexual exploits, and made up street credibility.  This is Hip Hop, it is our culture, and it is real life.  It is not the movies. 

And, by the way, what happened to black movies?  Why is it that the only thing we can make a movie about is relationships or the hood?  Why can’t we have a drama, a mystery, or a comedy that is not based in the hood or on relationships?  What happened to good black TV shows?  The Cosby Show, The Jeffersons, Good Times, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, A Different world?  What happened to BET?  How can Black Entertainment Television owned and operated by white people really be for us?  What happened to talent?  Why do we act as if the only way to get famous is by acting as ignorant and as hood as possible?  Why do feel the need to promote negative stereotypes and expose the ills of our culture?  What other race does this?  What race constantly degrades their women by referring to them as “bitches” and “hoes”?  What race brags about being criminals as if killing with no remorse and selling drugs is something to be admired?  I will tell you, none!  What happened to progress?  Have we even made any lately?  Would the ones who scratched and clawed for us to get this far be proud of us?

Our parents, grand parents, great grandparents, etc…..worked their asses off, struggled and fought, shed blood, sweat, and tears so that we could have a better life than they did and this is how we repay them?  They went through hell and back so we could enjoy the things that they were not given the opportunity to experience or even know about.   Are we really just going to disrespect all their sacrifices by forgetting everything they did and everything they gave up by glorifying ignorance, accepting laziness, and promoting disrespect and materialism?  WHAT HAPPENED TO US?