Saturday, September 25, 2010

What's the Problem???

Why do women have such a big issue with their men watching sports???  Ya'll watch your reality TV shows, soap operas, cooking shows, silly sitcoms, etc., and we could care less.  But if we want to watch the game, even if you don't have nothing to say, you make a face like someone is trying to pluck your eyebrows with chop sticks!!!  Is is really that painful to let me watch the game???  Does it really bother you that much???  What is the big deal???

Can my ladies PLEASE explain this to me???


  1. I too feel ur pain. My friends all look at me cross eyed when I say I'd rather watch sports than Sex in the City or any other estrogen based sitcom or series. The answer is simple. Most people hate what they don't understand and fear what they can't conquer. Most women don't understand the intensity of sports based competition. Whether its boxing, football, or basketball the comradery that emerges amongst men during these events is difficult for most women to comprehend. Without knowing the rules sports appears to be jus barbaric men running up and down a field/court. Its far easier to complain and make a fuss than it is to sit down and get to know the sport....but that's jus my take on it.

  2. Very good statement. I wonder where u learn to think like that? hummm. DAD

  3. I agree with JenL. I absolutely hated football when my husband and I got married. Until one day, I said to myself, "let me sit down and see what got him all hyped up". I did just that....and now I find myself watching Sports Center or the NFL network with out him. LOL!

  4. I think it's because growing up society has basically said sports are for boys and girls are supposed to be princesses. We have just been programmed to think we should be dainty and not be into something so testosterone laden as sports entertainment. Ever since I was little I rebelled against this female image. I hate pink, detest shopping, played with Transformers over Barbie, and LOVE sports. I learned that one of the ways to bond with my father was to get into watching boxing, basketball, baseball, and football. I even made him take me to park and show me how to properly throw a ball. And I really appreciate it now because that just gives me more quality time with my bae. So women just need to get off their high horse and get into the game!
