Wednesday, November 17, 2010


They could rule the world if the wanted too. They have all the power and don’t even know it. Who is “they” you ask??? WOMEN!!!

That’s right, women. They have want every man wants and whatever they say we have to do to get it, WE WILL DO. We base the way we dress off what women like. We purchase nice cars to impress them. Even what we say on Facebook is designed to make our selves look better to the women on our page. They dictate our moves without saying a single word. Shit, we do things to impress women we haven’t even met yet. We’re doing things hoping to get noticed. Think about that for a second. WOMEN WE HAVE NEVER EVEN MET HAVE SIGNIFICANT INFLUENCE OVER MANY OF OUR EVERYDAY ACTIONS. WOW!!!! How do they do this you ask?? Simple, they have a monopoly on the pussy. That’s right, pussy!!! Every man wants pussy, every woman has one, and every man wants pussy from damn near every woman!!! Lol

If every single woman in the world today decided that men would no longer receive sex from them without marrying them first, EVERY HETEROSEXUAL MAN IN THE WORLD WOULD BE MARRIED THE DAY OF HIS 18TH BIRTHDAY!!!

But this will never happen because the one’s with ALL THE POWER HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA HOW TO USE IT AND I AIN’T DUMB ENOUGH TO TELL YOU EITHER!!! LMAO!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Vote Whether You Like It or Not

I’ll be honest; I don’t want to vote.  Politicians are full of shit and rarely do any good for anyone but themselves, their friends and family.  Republicans and Democrats act as if they can’t stand each and don’t agree on anything but behind closed doors they are the best of friends.  They have dinner together, drink together, and most importantly, THEY MAKE MONEY TOGETHER. 

See the whole 2 party system is a joke.  There is really only one party, and that party is called MONEY.  Money rules the world, corporations run the government, and they tell politicians how to vote.  They create the topics and determine the outcomes.  The whole system is corrupt from top to bottom and they are all puppets including the president.
With that being said, I’m still going to vote.  I’m going to vote because it makes no sense to complain if you have not tried to make a difference.  And more importantly, too many of my ancestors were beaten and killed for the right to vote and to be heard and I will not let their sacrifices be in vain.